Annual Theme Based on Biblical Truth

DC Head of School, Matt Baker prays over the upcoming year and chooses an annual theme based upon scripture. This theme is carried out in weekly chapel services and daily instruction in each classroom.

2024-2025 Theme: Others First

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.   Philippians 2:3

Weekly Chapel Services

Students in Grades 1-12 participate in weekly chapel services which include a time of worship led by a student worship band or faculty member and an age-appropriate message featuring various speakers. Speakers are chosen from our internal community as well as area churches. 

Service Projects

Service is one of our four core values and an integral part of our students’ education. From teaching preschool students to share their blessings to earning service hours for graduation, DC students leave our walls knowing what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

Students participate in service projects throughout the year such as the Miami Valley Women’s Center Walk for Life and collecting shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. 

Community-Wide Events

Annual Events such as our DC worship event, See You at the Pole, National Day of Prayer, and spiritual emphasis weeks reinforce our values and encourage our students to be a bold witness for Christ. 

Mission Trips

High school students are encouraged to take part in mission trips during an experience called J-Term. Students have the opportunity to travel abroad to places such as Jamaica or Dominican Republic as well as serve stateside in Urban Missions.